- Grades Pre K to 6
- A solid foundation is stressed in the basic subjects of Reading, English, Phonics, Spelling, Spanish, Arithmetic, Science, and Social Studies. Physical Education is also required, as well as Penmanship (1-6). Formal instruction in Computer is also offered.
- Grades 7 to 8
- Emphasis on good character and sound habits is continued, with encouragement of independent and critical thinking. The basics continue to be stressed, including math, science, P.R. History social studies, geography, and Spanish and English grammar and literature.
- Grade 9
- English literature and grammar, Spanish literature and grammar, Algebra I, Physical Science, World History I, and Physical Education/Health form the basic requirements.
- Grade 10
- English literature and grammar, Spanish literature and grammar, Geometry, World History II, Biology, and an elective form the basic requirements.
- Grade 11 - English literature and grammar, Spanish literature and grammar, Algebra II, American History, Chemistry, and an elective form the basic requirements.
- Grade 12
- English literature and grammar, Spanish literature and grammar, Puerto Rico History, Calculus, Pre-calculus, College Math and an elective form the basic requirements.
Electives in grades 10-12 - Vary from year to year but typically include Statistics& Probability, Computer Science, Science Investigation & Agronomy, Environmental Science, Government and Civics, Physics, Yearbook, Psychology, First Aid / CPR, Arts & Crafts, Sociology, and Criminal Justice. Electives are accommodated by seniority, the list are done by the principal. The 1st ones are the 12th Graders, 11th Graders and then the 10th Graders.